The Internet is not a machine, it is people.

If I didn’t do it I feel so bad, I would probably have more comments on this article about rules for robots. As it is, I just want to respond to a quote at the end of the article:

To critics who scoff that intelligent robots are a long way off, roboticists readily respond that machines can already exert a surprising influence on our lives (think of the influence of the Internet).

Did robotics experts forget that the Internet is made up of millions of people? Yes, we turn to the Internet for information, calculations, entertainment and sex, but I always think of the Internet as a communication platform that facilitates interaction between people, not just between machines and commerce. I don’t think you can compare a sex android to the Internet. Perhaps AI with chatbots that are sophisticated enough to provide a satisfying sexual experience. But still, it doesn’t sit well with me.

Not that anything will this week. Ba dum pum pum.

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