Christian sex shop offers toys without sleaze

the bbc The article about a new online sex shop run by a Christian couple that promotes fun sex within marriage is missing one thing: the URL or name of the site.

A quick search reveals that PervScan linked to this a while ago, but I figured if I missed it, maybe you did too.

Why do I think this is great? Because this couple recognizes that sex is an essential part of marriage and that even long-time Christian couples can use toys to spice things up.

I don’t like how forums lump porn into the “Men’s Zone,” and of course attitudes about homosexuality, masturbation, virginity, and other “topics” are different (more repressive, I think) than mine. But it’s not my place to tell you how to think, and no one is forcing me to shop there instead of a myriad of other non-Christian sites.

I applaud the couple for taking this step. Perhaps Christian couples who in the past avoided sensual products will feel more comfortable dipping their feet into these products, which could lead to a general relaxation of their attitudes.

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