Advocacy to streamline learning through virtual reality and gaming technologies

Defence to streamline learning through VR, gaming technologies

Advocacy to streamline learning through virtual reality and gaming technologies

The Australian Defense Force is seeking to capitalize on trends within the gaming and entertainment sector to refine and develop its educational strategies.

As part of the recently released Defense Enterprise Learning Strategy (DELS) 2035, the ADF plans to “exploit virtual reality [VR] and gaming, machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies across Defense to enhance learning.” According to DELS, the ADC Commander and Service Training Authorities will be responsible for achieving this strategic focal priority, in consultation with the Chief Scientist of Defense.

Providing content in a more meaningful and engaging way is expected to reach younger generations.

“Previously, the emphasis was on the learner maintaining their attention and engagement; however, the emphasis is now increasingly on the education and training provider providing content in a way that is more engaging,” Defense said in a statement. .

“Technology offers opportunities to better engage students, reach a much broader audience and enables remote learning. Students can now also interact with others through digital technology, including their peers, educators, social networks and communities of Defense practice”.

Additionally, another key strategic focus announced in the DELS report is the development of an Online Academy to “build capabilities in future-focused learning.” While it is not yet clear what issues could be addressed by the agency, it is clear that Defense is adopting adaptive learning strategies, which will likely shape the course of recruiting and training for years to come.

The news builds on plans announced in recent months by the UK Ministry of Defense (MoD); which in early March signaled a move toward virtual reality training for its military centered on the same platform as the popular game. fortnite. To that end, the MoD has invested £300,000 in SimCentric, a veteran-led software company, to develop and deploy training prototypes.

At the time, SimCentric indicated that the technology would contain a fully immersive simulated “sandbox” environment, allowing users to properly crouch, crawl and run.

“This new simulator is just one way of taking training to the next generation, using technology drawn from the gaming world to assist our troops in training,” said Professor Dame Angela McLean, chief scientific adviser to the Ministry of Defence.

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